Wow, C-ute has gone from a 7-nin to a 6-nin to a 5-nin group all in one year...
Maybe this means the other girls will get more lines for once?
Haha, what on earth is Koharu wearing? A t-shirt with a dress? D:
Man, I'm so pumped for this, I can't wait to see some pictures!
That's all for now!
It is of Ishikawa Rika, who I don't particularly like, but I love this picture~
For some reason, I always like the pictures where the girls kind of blend into the nature. (:
Oh, also, I am currently obsessed with old fairytales. If you know any good ones, please tell me!
I can actually stand Risako and Momo!
Cute outfits
Adorable dance!
Awesome set.
Annoying Risako solo.
Well, I cant say much about this song other than I LOVE IT! I like it a lot better than Seishun Bus Guide, which I expected. Bye!
That's all I can really think of right now, but,
Minna-san, ganbare! (Good luck everyone!)
Left: Limited Edition A. Middle: Limited Edition B. Right: Regular. Both limited editions contain a DVD.
Wow! All of the girls look so grown up and pretty! (Even Risako...) And stripey, too, haha. And may I say, I hope captain gets more of the spotlight in this song! But I can only hope.
That's all for now~ Byeeee~!
That's all for this post! Sorry it's so short.
Wow, I can't believe this is the ONLY MoMusu song in my top 10! I seriously thought they were my most played group, but it turns out I don't really listen to their singles as much as other songs. What a shame. ):
Yes! And Buono finally makes their way onto my list! I love this song because it has such a catchy beat. And of course, it's all about food! ;D
Yes, wait for me, W! Haha. I'm really not sure why this song is number 3. I mean, I rarely listen to sad songs. Oh wait! I know why! It's because when I was on the plane back from Japan, I was listening to this, because I was so sad...
Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro - W (199)
Whoohoo! Number 1! I'm seriously not surprised. When I got W's cover album, I could NOT stop listening to this. The harmony is so sweet, it makes my heart melt~