Morning Musume 2009


C-ute - Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu

Lately... I've been wishing it was Summer again. ;-; Australia is like, NEVER this cold.
And also, my friend has been pestering me to make a blog update, so here we are!

The PV for C-ute's "Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu" has come out (today?), and to tell the truth... I was really worried about it~ ;-;
I didn't particularly like the original version... but I thought 'Airi's in it, so it'll be okay!'
Not really.
Nakajima kinda killed it. And Airi's solos were... not so great.

But the dance dresses are cute, so it's okay. :D
I want Kanna to come back, so C-ute can be GOOD again...

Anyway, here's the video: