Morning Musume 2009


Morning Musume OPV Contest

That's right! MoMusu and Myspace are hosting an OPV contest for MoMusu's song "3 2 1 BREAKIN'OUT".

All you have to do is make a 2 minute using the sound and exclusive video clips provided (or your own) to create a music video for MoMusu! There are no age restrictions, so of course I am entering!

The 1st place winner will recieve:
390,000 yen! (~ $4000 AU!)
A special congratulations message from MoMusu!
Your work will be included as special footage in upcoming Up Front Works release.
For more information, visit the official MoMusu Myspace page here.

Note: Even if you aren't entering, I recommend downloading the exclusive footage and just playing around with it for fun. There's a dance shot, close-ups, etc, plus heaps of extra footage of the girls frolicking, pulling faces and falling over!

Also, I have some suggestions you should keep in mind whilst making your video:
  • Try to keep the screen time for each girl as even as possible, as this is for an international audience and they all have very different views on each member, but also keep in mind that Ai is the leader and Gaki is sub-leader.
  • Make it as entertaining as possible - don't just show the dance shot and a couple of close ups and change the background - mix it up a little!
  • Try your best! Even though not many people are into Japanese music, keep in mind there are many crazy fans out there who will do whatever it takes to get closer to MoMusu (like myself, for instance).

That's all I can really think of right now, but,

Minna-san, ganbare! (Good luck everyone!)