Morning Musume 2009



As some of you Aussies out there know, last weekend was Animania (An anime festival, like duh.).
It includes cosplay, video games, an art corner, panels, stalls, food and more! I have fun eveytime I go, but less and less of my friends are going now, and I ended up having only two friends there this year. >.> Oh well, still fun.
So! I thought I should upload some photos for y'all. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the hot shirtless cosplayers. Sorry, Ana.

Also, I am currently uploading some skits from Sunday (I didn't film any on Saturday, sorry...). I have K-On, PowerPuff Girls Z (Which won best skit!), and both of the Vocaloid groups. Please check out my youtube page here ( If your skit isn't uploaded yet, don't worry, it's on its way!
Here is the PowerPuff Girls Z Skit~~~